Your body is almost within your control. This is rare in life, perhaps unique. Simply focusing on some measurable element of your physical nature can prevent U from becoming someone whose self-worth is dependent on things largely outside for their control. Job not going well? Company having issues? Some idiot making life difficult? If U add 10 laps to your swimming, or if U cut a few min off your best km, it can still be a great week. "Tim Ferriss"
I would say there are different kinds of pain, the above mentioned being the most important, the stop-one, the warning signal. But pain can be chronic and pain can be purposely inflicted upon you in order to “repair” a damage. Pain can be mental. However ,whichever, they all activate fantastic mechanisms in the human mind and body, mechanisms canalizing mind and body into alternative ways of responding and acting in order to provoke a positive reaction essential for our survival. Aren`t we fantastic….?
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMargareta Hantzi