"Make friends with pain and you will never be alone"-KEN CHLOUBER
Pain is the human bodyguard, the cop racing to the scene, sirens wailing, shutting down traffic. You 've been cut, burned, broken: pay attention, stop the bleeding, apply heat, apply cold, do something. It's one of life's most primitiv mechanisms, by which even the simplest creatures, if it has anything like a central nervous system, learns to avoid danger, stay out of bad neighborhoods, hunker down to give itself time to heal. Pain is productive. Don't do that, it commands-and the command is usually a wise one. So the sensation we seek most to avoid is in fact one of the most essential ones for our survival. (TIME magazine-Alice Park)
Pain is the human bodyguard, the cop racing to the scene, sirens wailing, shutting down traffic. You 've been cut, burned, broken: pay attention, stop the bleeding, apply heat, apply cold, do something. It's one of life's most primitiv mechanisms, by which even the simplest creatures, if it has anything like a central nervous system, learns to avoid danger, stay out of bad neighborhoods, hunker down to give itself time to heal. Pain is productive. Don't do that, it commands-and the command is usually a wise one. So the sensation we seek most to avoid is in fact one of the most essential ones for our survival. (TIME magazine-Alice Park)